Naturopath Gold Coast.
Natural Therapy Clinic has been operating since the early 1980’s & has been on the Gold Coast for the last 30 years, over that time we have come to realise that people on the Gold Coast are very health conscious in general, with that & the Gold Coast lifestyle in mind we have spent a lot of time not only working on improving people’s health & wellbeing.
What Is Naturopathy?
Naturopathy maintains that the body can heal itself if given the right circumstances and conditions. It uses a range of treatments to stimulate the body’s own healing powers (‘vital force’). Treatments include nutrition, dietetics, herbal and nutritional medicine, counselling and myorthotics technique. Many of the foundations of naturopathy – such as the importance of diet, clean fresh water, sunlight, exercise and stress management – have been adopted by conventional medicine.
Naturopathy has evolved out of the ancient healing traditions of Europe, with its roots firmly grounded in early Greek medical philosophy but with an expanded and scientific understanding from more modern sources. It is now recognised by mainstream medicine as a valuable and effective treatment for a variety of disorders.
Early detection and prevention
Naturopathy has a strong focus on the prevention of health problems & the early detection of a person’s likelihood of developing a health disorder (predisposition). Naturopathy is also very effective at treating acute & chronic health issues.
Naturopathy aims to:
- Minimise acute symptoms
- Support the body’s vital force (capacity to self-heal)
- Re-balance the system so that illness is less likely to occur in the future
- Educate the patient to look after their own health & the health of their family.
Commonly treated disorders
The range of disorders commonly treated by naturopaths includes:
- Fatigue
- Digestive
- complaints
- Mood disorders and depression
- Allergy and sensitivities
- Behavioral problems
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Cardiovascular problems
- High blood pressure
- Fertility problems
- Endocrine disturbance
- Hormonal imbalances, such as premenstrual tension and menopause.
The importance of homeostasis
In order to maintain its health, the body regulates itself to stay within certain physiological limits no matter what the outside environment might be. For instance, body temperature needs to be kept constant. On a cold day, the body will conserve heat by constricting the blood vessels close to the skin and directing blood flow to favor internal organs. On a hot day, the body will dilate blood vessels close to the skin & evaporate body heat with perspiration. Many other elements – such as blood gases, hormones & water – also need to be maintained within strict limits.
The process of maintaining this healthy internal balance is called homeostasis. Naturopathy believes that illness is more likely to occur if the body is ‘knocked out’ of homeostasis by lifestyle or environmental factors. The central idea is that the human body is capable of maintaining a healthy state if barriers such as excessive stress & poor nutrition are eliminated. This power to self-heal is called ‘the vital force’.
Your naturopath will want to know about your diet, lifestyle, family background & environment, as well as the history of your illness or complaint. This range of information is important to the practitioner, who seeks to discover the cause of the illness & treat you as a whole person, rather than target the symptoms alone.
As well as taking a comprehensive health history, the naturopath might employ other assessment techniques, such as:
- Iridology
- Pathology
A range of non-invasive treatments

Nutrition and dietary advice
This is one of naturopathy’s foundations. A poor diet stops the body from functioning well & a build-up of toxins can contribute to a range of illnesses. Whole, fresh & unprocessed foods are recommended.

Herbal and Nutritional medicine
Herbs & nutritional medicine are as potent as pharmaceutical drugs & can be used to great effect.

Physical therapies
Such as myorthotics technique & acupressure.

Counselling techniques
Emotional problems & stress can interfere with the healing process. Counselling techniques can include stress management strategies & life coaching.