
Magnesium erythrocyte count low

Magnesium Red Blood Count Low:

Magnesium Red Blood Count Low: RBC test is preferred over other types of tests because it provides a more accurate measurement of the body’s magnesium status over time. Magnesium in the blood plasma can fluctuate rapidly, whereas magnesium in the red blood cells tends to reflect a more stable level.

Jaw Joint

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) – 10 Tips

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) issues causes pain & tenderness around the jaw joint plus aching & pain around the ear, facial pain, headaches, tinnitus, vertigo & other symptoms.

Ultimate Gluten Free Bread

Why this ultimate gluten free bread is prefect for people suffering from a gluten intolerance, firstly it tastes fantastic which I must say from experience every gluten free bread I have eaten tastes very ordinary. Also the thing most people miss when on a glute free diet is bread & trying to find other alternatives.

Lethargic Liver

Improve a Sluggish Liver:

With today’s fast paced society & processed foods I see more & more clients with sluggish livers & liver disease. The liver is a crucial part of the digestive system & is located on the right side of the upper abdomen. The primary function of the liver is to filter the blood coming from the digestive tract before passing it to the rest of the body.

Gluten Intolerance Support

Gluten intolerance can also lead to an inflammatory response in the body which can further hinder digestion & absorption of nutrients. It is important to note that gluten-free does not necessarily mean healthy. Many processed foods labelled as ‘gluten-free’ are still high in sugar and other unhealthy ingredients, so it is important to read labels carefully.

Italian chicory & Rocket Salad

Radicchio & Rocket Salad – 9 Benefits:

Radicchio & Rocket Salad is extremely taste with a bitter & spicy taste to it. It is definitely enhanced with the pear, parmesan & sun dried tomatoes giving to a more balanced taste.

3 Amazing Sunset

“Sunsets are proof that no matter what happens, every day can end beautifully”
-Kristen Butler.


Curcumin Benefits & 3 Turmeric Drinks

Curcumin has many health benefits & research has shown that it works on a lot more than just being a powerful anti-oxidant & anti-inflammatory. Included in post is 3 turmeric drink recipes which are not only healthy but will give you a zing!!

Magnesium Hypersensitivity

Magnesium Sensitivity & 7 Causes

Magnesium Sensitivity is one on the main reasons people stop taking this Supplement. However, it can be hard on the stomach & cause digestive upset in some people. I will discuss why magnesium can be hard on the stomach & what kind of magnesium is best for sensitive stomachs. It’s important to understand that different forms of magnesium have different effects on the body.

Persistant fatigue

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a complex medical condition characterised by extreme fatigue, lasting for six months or more that cannot be explained by any other medical condition. The effects of persistent fatigue can be both physical and mental. Eating a healthy diet & using supplement, herbs & homeopathic remedies as recommended, may help reduce the debilitating symptoms of CFS & may improve overall energy.

Mediterranean Sea, Quinoa salad

Mediterranean Quinoa Salad Number 1

Mediterranean Quinoa Salad is extremely tasty is a rich source of vitamins, minerals & fibre. Both chickpeas & quinoa offer a variety of health benefits such as aiding weight management, improving digestion & reducing your risk of disease. Also high in protein & essential fatty acids.

pH health benefits

Acid-Alkaline Health Benefits

Acid-alkaline health benefits: An imbalance in the acid-alkaline balance can cause various health issues, & affect multiple organs in the body adversely. Maintaining a balance between these systems is crucial for optimal health & overall wellbeing. It is essential to be mindful of your diet, hydration levels, exercise & stress to keep the body’s pH levels in check & prevent health issues that may arise due to an acid-alkaline imbalance.